CORRECTION: Cold Spring Aglow festivities ARE ON TONIGHT, FRIDAY! Candles on for Sunday!

As we neared the Cold Spring Aglow event, it became apparent that there had been insufficient communication between the Village and our public safety agencies. In the spirit of keeping everyone safe and being fully prepared to properly manage the luminarias, the Officer in Charge has advised Village officials to delay the candle lighting portion of the event until its rain date on Sunday, December 12th from 5:00-7:00 pm. Tonight the village merchants will launch a weekend-long celebration to bring in the light and get everyone in the mood for the holidays with extended hours, performances, festivities and holiday treats as planned in the Main Street shops. We hope that Villagers will enjoy all of the fun this evening and join the Chamber gain on Sunday to take in the beauty of the luminarias up and down our sidewalks.


We apologize for the inconvenience and thank everyone involved for their flexibility, especially the Chamber and shop keepers who worked so hard to prepare this event.