How to Exchange Your Garbage and/or Recycling Container

Swap out
First, we are aware that some folks have not yet got their Royal bin delivery. That loop should be closed this coming Saturday, April 23.

Do you want a different size than what you did get? You have a window to swap, and here are your options:
Garbage: 35, 65 and 95 gallon bins
Recycling: 35, and 65 gallon bins

There are examples of all sizes in front of Village Hall at 85 Main Street if you need to see them. 
For swap-outs this week, please communicate with us by Thursday April 21st at 3pm. Please fill out the request form found at this link and email it to the Village Clerk at (or drop it off at 85 Main Street):
If you don't get your request in for this week, worry not -- Royal will continue to make swaps for a few weeks. There is no charge if you request your swap by May 15; after that the fee will be $25. 

And, for those concerned about color. . . blue was requested for both garbage and recycling bins after some villagers expressed dislike for the green samples in front of village hall. Guess what? There's no winning here. Someone was bound to to dislike any color that was selected. And there is no "industry standard." 
As it turns out, the smallest bins (35 gallon) could not be secured in blue because of supply chain issues, so they're green. But this really is simple: no matter what size, no matter what color, garbage goes in the bins with BLACK lids. Recycling goes in the bins with ORANGE lids. 
Right now, we're all attuned to the bins because they're new. Change in a place like Cold Spring--just about any kind of change--tends to rattle folks a bit. Soon garbage and recycling bins will go back to being the background, workaday objects that that they always were (and we didn't much notice). 
Gratitude for your patience, Cold Spring. It's a process. It will take time. And it will all be fine!
Questions?  Contact the Village Clerk at or 845-265-3611 ext. 1