A Message from The Board of Trustees

A Message on COVID-19 from The Village Board of Trustees

COVID-19 rates in Putnam County are on the rise. We do not yet have information about when a vaccine will be widely available. 

While the state government is now looking at areas as microclusters, and Philipstown has a relatively low infection rate, it’s important that we as a community continue to work together to stay healthy throughout the holiday season and the coming winter. 

The Village Board of Trustees encourages everyone to follow CDC guidelines, including wearing a mask whenever you are near people you do not live with, or are heading to a busy area such as Main Street. 

The cost of this pandemic has been high and many have faced hardship. Isolation is difficult and it is normal to want to connect with your community. If you plan to see friends or family, please consider the following:

  • You are less likely to transmit COVID-19 if you gather outside in small numbers and stay at least 6 feet apart.
  • Masks are proven to help stop transmission.
  • The more people you come in close contact with, the more opportunities there are to spread or contract the virus. 
  • You can spread the virus to others even if you have no symptoms and are feeling fine.
  • Testing for COVID-19 is free through New York State, even if you don’t have health insurance. 

In addition to hospitals and urgent care centers, many pharmacies are now offering COVID-19 testing. If you use a test site run by New York state there is no fee, but you should call ahead. Here are some resources to find our nearest testing centers:

You may also be able to request home testing kits through your health insurance. 

This has been a difficult year and we appreciate you continuing to take measures to keep one another healthy. We will get through this together. If you are struggling, please take advantage of our community resources:

Please continue to check on friends and neighbors, especially those who are alone or have special needs. And if you have the means, please consider donating to the Philipstown Food Pantry--the Pantry is spread very thin serving many more families than usual. Now more than ever, we need to look after each other.

Additionally, we are looking for local residents to share with the community why you wear a mask. Please send one to two sentences on why it’s important to you to trustee.bender@coldspringny.gov.
