Reminder - Come Learn What's Happening at Dockside Park

dockside Park

Representatives of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation will make a presentation to the Village Board of Trustees and the public on the ongoing Shoreline Stabilization Project at Dockside Park. Learn about the steps being taken to fortify the shoreline against erosion and river rise; to remove invasive plant species; and to improve pathways, signage and amenities in the park. Ask questions about future use of Dockside and how Villagers will be part of decision-making going forward. 

Project documents are availabe by clicking here

WHEN:  Tonight (Wednesday, February 16th)

TIME:  7:00 pm

This meeting will be held via Videoconference as per Chapter 1 of the NYS Local Laws of 2022.  The public is invited to attend as follows:

Or to Join by Phone: (646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 889 8385 3791 Passcode: 36561

















































































































Representatives of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation will make a presentation to the Village Board of Trustees and the public on the ongoing Shoreline Stabilization Project at Dockside Park. Learn about the steps being taken to fortify the shoreline against erosion and river rise; to remove invasive plant species; and to improve pathways, signage and amenities in the park. Ask questions about future use of Dockside and how Villagers will be part of decision-making going forward.  Project documents are available by clicking here.
This meeting will be held via Videoconference as per Chapter 1 of the NYS Local Laws of 2022. The public is invited to attend the meeting as follows:
or to Join by Phone: (646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 889 8385 3791 Passcode: 36561