In anticipation of continued heavy rains and possible flash flooding, the Roadways & Facilities Crew sandbagged through the night where they can -- on Village property. Brook levels throughout the Village are slowly rising as of 8am; runoff from the mountain may increase the pace of rise through this morning. Sand, bags, ties and shovels are available to Village residents at the Highway Garage at 49 Fair Street, accessed via the driveway between the municipal lot and the water treatment plant. It is the responsibility of property owners to take preventative measures on their own private property. Nelsonville and Philipstown residents should use the supplies at the Town's highway garage, 50 Fishkill Road, near the salt shed.

If roadways become flooded, please do not drive. It is dangerous for you, and the roadways need to be clear for our first responders. We will post and broadcast any road closures if they are announced.

Please keep an eye on neighbors who might need assistance. Dial 911 if you have any emergencies, and state that you are in Putnam County -- the current configuration of communications towers can bump calls to Orange County dispatch first, but you will be connected to Putnam County, which dispatches CSPD, the fire company and the ambulance corps.

We recommend that you sign up for weather alerts from New York's Emergency notification system. Set up an account for cell or email updates by following the prompts to indicate your location.